I build quite some modules by now. Here is a list with all the modules I build or am building with the state they are in:
- Finished 1 Oakley Journeyman
- Finished 1 Oakley Noise and Dual Filter
- Finished 1 Oakley Equinoxe VC Phaser
- Finished 1 Oakley MidiDAC
- Finished 1 Oakley Discontinuity
- Finished 1 Oakley VCO
- Finished 1 Oakley Overdrive
- Finished 1 Oaklry Ring Modulator
- Finished 1 Oakley Multimix
- Building 1 Oakley Envelope Follower
- Building 2 Oakley VC-LFO's
- Building 1 Oakley Tripple LFO
And here is the link to the blog Articles: http://synthnl.blogspot.com/search/label/oakley