PAIA FatmanThis was actually the very first synthesizer kit that I build. It is a monophonic analog synthesizer designed by a company called PAIA. It is sold as a complete kit. You can build it in two different forms. A desktop version or a 19 inch version. I chose for the last one. In the kit is everything you need including the front panel and knobs. I didn't take much pictures unfortunately during the construction of this synthesizer. I didn't have my blog yet back then.

PAIA FatmanHere is another picture of my finished PAIA Fatman. It is not a modular synthesizer, as you can see, but a pre-wired one. It has a midi input that you can also use as a Midi to CV converter since it outputs the CV signals on RCA connectors. It has just one VCO and one VCF, but I must say it sounds great. You can use it for very analog sounding basses or lead sounds. The rest is very straight forward, but very usable.

I can tell you the construction is very straight forward and the documentation is really good. You can start building this kit without much prior electronics knowledge since everything is explained quite well. You just need some tools and be able not to burn your fingers with a soldering iron. PAIA even sells the tools you need I just saw on their website, but you could get them from any local electronics shop.

I think this is a great project when you want to start building your own synthesizers like I do. And I can tell you there is nothing more rewarding than making music on a synthesizer that you build with your own hands :) So I would say give it a go if you didn't already!

You can find more information about PAIA on this website:

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