October 11th, 2008 saw the release of the second album of Dutch synthesist Synth.nl, aka Michel van Osenbruggen, a concept-cd inspired by the layers of air in the atmosphere surrounding our globe. Listening to the 12 tracks (ranging between four and seven minutes) feels like an relaxed journey, offering a nice range of fresh sound pads, fx's, (sampled) environmental sounds and sequencer lines, spiced up by drums and percussion. I feel, Michel has brought more rest and expression to his music compared to the outcome on his debut "AeroDynamics". It sound solid and mature to my ears, the solo's have more expression and the music sounds transparent and worked up all the way.
Behind the modern and recognisable artist name Synth.nl is the Dutchman Michel van Osenbruggen. On his first album 'AeroDynamics' he managed to mix two of his big passions into a very interesting musical bag: Formula 1 racing (watching) and electronic music. 'AtmoSphere' is again a concept-album. The twelve songs are inspired by the different layers of air around our world; the various cloud formations that are encountered in these layers, and the sounds of different weather phenomena. The album opens in 'Troposphere' with a slight homage to the great artists that came before him, like Jean Michel Jarre and Vangelis. 'Cumulonimbus' has a wonderful film-like melody. The mentioned drive can be heard very well in pieces like 'Stratocumulus', 'Nimbostratus', 'Altostratus' and 'Thermosphere' that again could have been made for a film. Michel is also capable of creating some great sequences. That can be heard in the warm 'Cirrostratus' and 'Exosphere'.
Der Niederläder Michel van Osenbruggen ist im vergangenen Jahr mit seinem Album 'AeroDynamics' ein erstaunliches Debut geglükt, dass durch einen tollen Sound, gespickt mit zahlreichen Effekten sowie mit sehr eingängigen und schönen Melodien aufwarten konnte. Im Herbst 2008 legt er mit dem Album 'AtmoSphere' sein zweites Werk nach, das in die Futapfen des Vorggers tritt. Bei der Musik hat sich Michel von den Schichten der Atmosphäre unseres Heimatplaneten sowie den unterschiedlichen Wolkenformationen und Wetterphomenen inspirieren lassen. Ein Dutzend Soundscapes mit Laufzeiten bis maximal knapp über sieben Minuten Länge bietet die CD. Dem Thema entsprechend finden sich Titel wie 'Stratosphere', 'Stratocumulus' oder 'Exosphere' auf der CD wieder.
"AtmoSphere" representa el segundo trabajo del sintetista holand Michel van Osenbruggen m conocido como Synth.nl, una nueva muestra de la utilizaci de esas muinas conocidas como sintetizadores que en su momento algunos calificaron de frs, sin sentimientos, pero que el tiempo ha acabado demostrando que los que afirmaban eso estaban totalmente equivocados. Este trabajo estpublicado por el sello holand Groove, especialistas en mica electrica de calidad, abarcando desde la Berl School hasta el ambient. Synth.nl es un proyecto que respira de la mica sintetizada, de la Berl School y de los sonidos de Jean Michel Jarre. Como en su anterior disco, el compositor nos vuelve a sorprender con la fuerza de sus composiciones, en esta ocasi su inspiraci no es la aerodinida, sino la atmosfera terrestre de ahel tulo del trabajo. Son doce temas que van tratando cada una de las partes que forma nuestra atmfera, temas de puro contenido electrico,
In een gesprek met (naar ik meen) René van der Wouden vroeg de Amerikaanse interviewer zich enigszins verwonderd af hoe het toch komt dat in zo'n klein land als Nederland zoveel muzikanten zich bezighouden met elektronische muziek. Renmoest zijn gesprekspartner het antwoord schuldig blijven. En inderdaad, het is opvallend hoe een toch wel lichtelijk marginaal genre door relatief zoveel Nederlanders (en Belgen!) levend wordt gehouden. En dat is met name te danken aan Ron Boots en diens Groove-label. Aan de lopende band brengt Groove het ene na het andere uitstekende album uit, van artiesten die vaak wel een steuntje in de rug kunnen gebruiken. Neem nu 'AtmoSphere', de zeer recent verschenen tweede cd van Synth.nl, het alter ego van Michel van Osenbruggen.
This release from 2008 offers 71 minutes of pleasant electronic music. Synth.nl is Michel van Osenbruggen. He is joined by Hans Landman, who plays most of the lead lines in one track. A study of the planetary atmosphere, voyaging from the ground to outer space and examining the various cloud formations and weather conditions that dwell within that gas envelope. One might expect this music to be airily ambient, but it possesses a suitable degree of rhythm and lively melody. The electronics exhibit a chugging quality, comprised of cyclic pulsations that churn amid a foundation of atmospheric textures. Keyboard triggered riffs float with undulant disposition. What seems to be an elegant simplicity in structure is actually a pleasant complexity achieved as the sonic threads intermingle and merge into a pacific flow. Most of the sounds are light and airy, excellently conveying a sense of gaseous certification.